Materials: Engineering, Science , Processing
The ultimate materials engineering text and resource for students developing skills and understanding of materials properties and selection for engineering applications.
By Michael F. Ashby - Elsevier Science (00) - Hardback - ISBN 10 1856177432 - ISBN 13 9781856177436
More about: Materials: Engineering, Science , Processing
Environmental Engineering Science
This book covers the fundamentals of environmental engineering and applications in water quality, air quality, and hazardous waste management. It begins by describing the fundamental principles that serve as the foundation of the entire field of environmental engineering. Readers are then systematically reintroduced to these fundamentals in a manner that is tailored to the needs of environmental engineers, and that is not too closely tied to any specific application.
By William W. Nazaroff and Lisa Alvarez-Cohen - Wiley Print On Demand (00) - Print On Demand - ISBN 10 0471144940 - ISBN 13 9780471144946
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Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering
Smith/Hashemi'sFoundations of Materials Science and Engineering, 5/e provides an eminently readable and understandable overview of engineering materials for undergraduate students. This edition offers a fully revised chemistry chapter and a new chapter on biomaterials. Through concise explanations, numerous worked-out examples, a wealth of illustrations And photos, and a brand new set of online resources, the new edition provides the most student-friendly introduction to the science And engineering of materials. .The extensive media package available with the text provides Virtual Labs, tutorials, and animations, among other resources along with numerous student and instructor resources on the text website.
By William F. Smith - McGraw-Hill Publishing Company (01) - Hardback - ISBN 10 0073529249 - ISBN 13 9780073529240
More about: Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering