Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design has been the standard in machine design for over 50 years, and now with a 40% revision of problems in the 9th edition, instructors will have a variety of new problems to assign at all levels of difficulty.The ninth edition of Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design maintains the approach that has made this book the standard in machine design for over 50 years. It combines the straightforward focus on fundamentals that instructors have come to expect, with a modern emphasis on design and new applications.
By Richard Budynas - McGraw-Hill Publishing Company (01) - Hardback - ISBN 10 0073529281 - ISBN 13 9780073529288
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Civil Engineering Handbook. New chapters in key areas of materials, transportation, hydraulics, and construction engineering. Major updates in every section that reflect recent advances in research, materials, methods, and tools. Increased emphasis on computer-aided design and computer -aided engineering.
Resources for efficient problem solving, including design and analysis tables, decision charts, a multitude of formulas, and more than 1200 illustrations. Fast access to reliable information in every area of civil engineering.
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Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications. The author's guiding philosophy in writing this book has three elements: to present basic concepts to readers in a general setting, to show how the principles of electrical engineering apply to specific problems in their own fields, and to remove frustration from the learning process. Emphasizing the basic concepts of the field, this book covers circuit analysis, digital systems, electronics, and electromechanics. This book develops theoretical and experimental skills and experiences in the following areas: basic circuit analysis and measurement, first- and second-order transients, steady-state ac circuits, resonance and frequency response, digital logic circuits, microcontrollers (68HC11), computer-based instrumentation, diode circuits, electronic amplifiers, field-effect and bipolar junction transistors, operational amplifiers, ac and dc machines, and more. For engineers or any other professionals who need a solid foundation in the basics of circuits, digital systems, analog electronics, and electromechanics.
By Allan R. Hambley - Pearson (01) - Hardback - ISBN 10 0132130068 - ISBN 13 9780132130066
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Handbook of Chemical Engineering Calculations. If solving chemical engineering problems quickly and accurately is key to your work, here's an invaluable info-packed resource: McGraw-Hill's ''Handbook of Chemical Engineering Calculations. Fully revised and expanded, this Third Edition delivers step-by-step procedures for performing a wide array of chemical engineering calculations -- along with fully worked-out examples that help you avoid costly errors.
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An introductory text and reference on mining engineering highlighting the latest in mining technology. Introductory Mining Engineering outlines the role of the mining engineer throughout the life of a mine, including prospecting for the deposit, determining the site's value, developing the mine, extracting the mineral values, and reclaiming the land afterward. This Second Edition is written with a focus on sustainability-managing land to meet the economic and environmental needs of the present while enhancing its ability to also meet the needs of future generations. Coverage includes aboveground and underground methods of mining for a wide range of substances, including metals, nonmetals, and fuels.
By Howard L. Hartman and Jan M. Mutmansky - John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (00) - Hardback - ISBN 10 0471348511 - ISBN 13 9780471348511
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